Using a check-in system is a necessary part of any comprehensive safety program for lone workers. It ensures employee safety by minimizing the chance of human error. Manual check-ins are inconclusive and can cause unnecessary delays. Automated check-ins are more reliable. Listed below are some important safety solutions for lone workers. Read on to learn more. And remember: if you have a safety solution, make it work!
Creating a safe working environment
In 2020, assaults will result in over twenty thousand illnesses and injuries, with three hundred and ninety-two fatalities. Lone workers are particularly vulnerable. Their lack of proximity to their supervisors or co-workers can make them easy targets and make it difficult to deescalate potentially dangerous situations. And many lone workers are sent out without the proper communications tools. A recent survey found that 82% of respondents relied on cell phones for field communication, while another 20 percent did not have any safety-critical communication tools.
Companies must dedicate themselves to safety. Creating a lone worker safety program allows businesses to anticipate and address emergency situations by educating employees and developing procedures for safety. The program outlines the risks and the company’s emergency protocol. Employers may also want to consider a lone worker safety monitoring solution. AlertMedia is one example of such a company. Its product provides an audible and visible deterrent that connects to law enforcement.
Monitoring the use of lone worker devices
It’s critical to understand the use of lone worker devices to ensure their effectiveness, and to find out why lone workers don’t use them. Are they too difficult to use, or are they a poor fit for the roles they perform? If you’re not sure, you should talk to a lone worker device supplier to find out more about the best solutions. As with any new safety solution, keep the process transparent and encourage employees to participate in the decision-making process.
To monitor the use of lone worker devices, choose a solution that integrates with existing and future infrastructure, including Bluetooth wearables and handheld satellite devices. The right solution should be simple to deploy across your workforce and should make the job of health and safety managers easier. It should also be easy to use for employees, while maintaining privacy. The system should record productivity, record location, and ensure that employees have access to their own data.
Training lone workers on emergency response
Companies should train lone workers on emergency response, including how to call 911 to contact rescuers. They should also teach the workers how to identify and assess potential hazards, such as weather, biohazards, or potential slips and falls. ERPs should be in place for every workplace and site manager should know how to properly execute them. Training lone workers is essential for keeping everyone safe and preventing disasters.
Lone workers can face a variety of risks, including violence, because they are perceived as easier targets. They may also be working with highly vulnerable people and large amounts of money. And many of them may visit clients’ homes, putting them at risk of aggressive behavior or even hostage situations. Other risks include aggressive animals, alcohol abuse, or other potential hazards. In these situations, lone workers must be prepared to address a range of threats, regardless of the industry they’re in.
Using a call center to manage lone worker safety solutions
The benefits of using a call center to manage lone work safety solutions are many. These companies are often familiar with the specific challenges and hazards of lone working. Additionally, they have access to advanced technology and can help you create custom escalation plans that fit your specific needs. While it’s possible to develop these solutions yourself, the assistance of a professional call center is invaluable.
Lone workers must be monitored by someone. Whether it’s a supervisor or a coworker, someone needs to check on them. Alternatively, it might be the manager or someone in the office. With a call center, this task can be done centrally and quickly. These call centers have become an integral part of many work alone safety systems. They can provide the support your employees need.
Using a smart phone app as a lone worker safety device
Using a smart phone app as lone worker safety device can help you protect lone workers. These devices have been designed with lone worker safety in mind, and some of them can even function as an SOS button. GeoPro’s lone worker safety app works as both a mobile SOS button and a safety monitoring application. It works in conjunction with a web application that allows employers to track lone workers around the world. It works in English, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, German, and Russian. In addition, it can be used with a Bluetooth Smart Button accessory for discreet personal protection.
A lone worker safety app will send an audible alarm to a nearby cell phone. The alarm is designed to startle an aggressor and send the emergency alert to law enforcement. This app will also provide a sense of confidence for the lone worker, as they will be able to see if law enforcement is nearby or not. Once the alarm is activated, law enforcement will arrive at the exact location.